All Saints Sunday - Nov. 5
Join our 10:30am festival Eucharist, celebrating All Saints Day on November 5! In celebration of our eternal connection with saints throughout time into the present day, we will be remembering those who have died, and we will be baptizing and infant and an adult into the body of Christ. Great music, powerful worship, a Sunday not to be missed!
The service will include reading a necrology, honoring loved ones welcomed into eternal life this past year. The bulletin will feature a prayer list naming the departed from previous years whose loss feels particularly acute.
The Sunday school kids and youth groups will be joining the congregation for the whole service, and coming up to the altar for the Eucharistic prayer.
And don't forget - TURN BACK CLOCKS Saturday night! Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday Nov 5.
Tags: Worship / Welcome / Events / Youth / Sunday & Weekday Services / Children / Baptisms