Blog - Transforming Generosity
Dear St. A's family,
As Christians, we worship a God of unbounded grace and love. God's grace is revealed to us through the wonders of creation and the depths of our redemption. Indeed, God abundantly gives to us of God's very own self, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, inviting us into full and complete communion with God. When we begin to catch a glimpse of the true extent of God's unlimited generosity toward us, then we will discover we are to be generous of ourselves in kind.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to be generous in the way we love one another, welcome the stranger, forgive others as we have been forgiven, and care for God's beloved creation. The message of the Gospel is that freely giving in these ways is transformative. Giving has the power to transform us, our church, and the wider world.
An essential component of living a generous life is shown through our financial giving. When we share monetary gifts with others, then it brings about transformation, both in them and us. Of course, one of the ways we can share is with our own parish family. When we make a financial pledge to St. A's, we empower the ministry of our parish, which helps transform us and our wider community. Our generosity becomes transforming.
One of the great joys of my ministry is seeing the myriad ways God's love is at work in each and every person in this parish. I've witnessed profound spiritual growth and change in so many of your lives and I've seen how this impacts our neighborhood and world. Know when you give to St. A's, you are sharing in and extending the power of God's transformation.
From Sunday October 21 through November 18, we will have an opportunity to reflect on the transforming power of generosity. During this time, I invite you to pray and reflect on the place of generosity in your life and your financial giving to St. A's. May God bless you as you consider your pledge to support our life together.
Yours in Christ,
Nate +
Tags: Ebb and Flow - Parish Blog