Christianity & the Episcopal Church - Inquirer's Class
Join us for this in-depth course on the fundamentals of Christianity through the lens of the Episcopal Church. Our clergy will be covering everything from: who is Jesus; what is the Episcopal church; ways of reading the bible; how to pray - and more. Bring your curiosity, questions and concerns.
You are strongly encouraged to attend if you are interested in (or considering) getting baptized, confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. This fall baptisms will be held on All Saints Sunday and Bishop Diane Bruce will be here on November 19 to confirm, reaffirm and receive people into the Episcopal Church.
This six-week course meets Tuesdays evenings this fall and culminates in a retreat on Saturday Nov 4.
Recommended text for the class: Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church, by Jennifer Gamber.
Email Carrie Price to sign up.
Tuesday evenings: Sept 19, 26 & Oct 3, 10, 17 and 24, 7-8:30pm
Final retreat: Saturday, Nov. 4, 10am-2pm
Tags: Adult Classes / Baptisms / Events / Worship