Class - Exploring the Episcopal Church - Weds 7pm starting 5/26
What do we, as Episcopalians, believe? What grounds and motivates our faith and actions? Come explore how our tradition understands the essential components of Christian life: baptism, Bible, Eucharist, and prayer. Bring your curiosity of mind, heart, and spirit to these evenings, where all questions are welcome.
If you are new to the Episcopal Church, new to Christianity or want to deepen your understanding of God and the church, this is the course for you.
This series is also ideal for anyone considering being baptized, or who might want to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church by Bishop Taylor when he comes to visit in September.
Exploring the Episcopal Church is a 5-part series, held online, and attendance at all sessions is encouraged. We will be using the book Being Christian, by Rowan Williams, as the springboard for conversations.
7pm - 8pm, Wednesdays, May 26 through June 23
Email Carrie Price to register and receive the Zoom login.
Any questions, contact Rev. Nate or Rev. Katie.
Tags: Adult Classes / Welcome