Earth Day 2024 - Prayers & Meditation
St. A's is joining Episcopalians across the Diocese of Los Angeles in observing Earth Day 2024 through private prayer and meditation on the urgent need for care of God's creation.
Global atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has reached 425 parts per million*, a level unprecedented in all human history. So on Earth Day, Mon. April 22, let us step aside from whatever we are doing and turn our hearts towards the needs of our planet by praying or meditating for 425 seconds (7 minutes, 8 seconds) at 7:08pm.
This urgent call to prayer has been issued by the Bishop's Commission on Climate Change.
Option 1: Pray for 425 seconds (7:08 minutes)
You may pray this prayer, or one(s) of your own, or hold silence.
God, maker of marvels, you weave the planet and all its creatures together in kinship; your unifying love is revealed in the interdependence of relationships in the complex world that you have made. Save us from the illusion that humankind is separate and alone, and join us in communion with all inhabitants of the universe; through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, who topples the dividing walls by the power of your Holy Spirit, and who lives and reigns with you, for ever and ever. Amen.
Option 2: Meditate for 425 seconds (7:08 minutes)
You may meditate as you are accustomed to, or follow the rhythm below:
Breathing for Earth Day Meditation
Our home, Earth is refreshed by life-giving air. We share our inhalations and exhalations with the very lungs of the biosphere. The Spirit of life breathes through every minute of our day.
Settle into your body, relax the jaw, the face, and soften your eyes. Let your shoulders drop. Close your eyes.
Let Spirit breathe into your body. Notice your breath expanding with the inhale, letting go with the exhale.
When the mind wanders return to your breath - return home. It may help to repeat this phrase, or a phrase of your choosing:
Breathe in/inhale – God's Spirit of life
Breathe out/exhale –God's care of creation
*The CO2 level as measured by the Keeling Curve,
Tags: First-time visitors / Serving Neighbors / Welcome / Spirituality / Contemplative Prayer