St. A's Easter Services - Online
The Great Vigil of Easter - 7pm Saturday, April 11
One of Christianity's most ancient services, the Easter Vigil is a service of light, resurrection and hope. We will hear of God's saving works from Hebrew Scripture and then renew our baptismal vows. The Vigil culminates with an acclamation of Christ's glorious resurrection! Consider having candles on hand for the first part of the service, typically experienced in our sanctuary by candlelight.
Easter Morning, 10:30am, Sunday, April 12
Celebrate Easter and the joy in Christ's rising to life again! Friends and family are welcome to join us online for a special morning of praise to God for Christ's resurrection and the new life we have in Him.
Click here for Holy Week services: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday.
Tags: Welcome / Worship / Spirituality