Episcopal Night at the Dodgers -Aug 31 -Sign up by July 29
Celebrate 25 years of Episcopal Night at Dodger Stadium with Episcopalians and friends from around the diocese. Dodgers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks
Arrive by 6:30pm to see our Bishop be introduced! Reserved Section tickets are $25/person age 4 years and up, under 4 may sit on a lap. Wheelchair seating is in another area.
Sign up and pay in the bookstore by Sunday July 29. Or mail a check, payable to St. Augustine's with "Dodger Tickets" on the memo line, to Carrie Price at the church. 1227 4th St., Santa Monica, CA 90401.
Any questions, email Carrie Price.
Click here for more information on Dodger Stadium (directions, parking, concessions etc.)
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