Good Friday Services - Noon and 7:30pm
Noon - Good Friday
Veneration of the Cross
Communion from Reserve Sacraments
On Good Friday we remember the crucifixion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are invited to revere the cross as an instrument of death, yet also the ultimate instrument of salvation, healing and transformation into new life. The bread and wine which we receive come from reserve set on the Altar of Repose on the previous night.
Priests will be available for private confession following the service.
7:30pm - Good Friday
Stations of the Cross
Commemoration of the Death and Burial
We start the evening walking the Stations of the Cross, praying and reading scripture at each of the final moments of Christ’s life. Christ's death becomes the focus of our hearts and prayers, as we anticipate his emergence from the tomb on Easter.
Tags: Worship / Welcome