Healing Prayer Book Study, Sat. Oct 6 & 20, Nov 3 & 17, 8-9:30am
You are invited to join the healing prayer group this fall in reading and discussing Henri Nouwen’s Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World. Discussion at our first gathering on October 6 will be on the Prologue and "Being the Beloved," pp. 9-33. It is fine to attend if you haven't done the reading.
This is also a wonderful opportunity meet the Healing Prayer Team and learn more about their ministry of praying with people in the Chapel during and after communion at the 10:30am service. Books available in the parish bookstore or online.
Saturday mornings, Oct 6 & 20 and Nov 3 & 17, 8-9:30am
Meets upstairs in the Sts. Francis & Clare room.
Tags: Adult Classes / Healing Prayer / Contemplative Prayer / Welcome