Holy Week 2019 - April 14-19
Join us for these holiest days of the Christian year. Together we will go in spirit up to Jerusalem with Jesus to suffer and die with him that we might also rise with him to new life.
Sunday of the Passion - Palm Sunday, April 14
Eucharist 8am
Procession with Palms and Reading of the Passion, 10:30am
Concert - Requiem, by John Rutter, 2:30pm
Click here for more concert details
Monday in Holy Week, April 15, 7:30pm
Labyrinth Walk
Gather at the labyrinth below the church in Pierson Hall
Tuesday in Holy Week, April 16, 7:30pm
Service of Prayer and Healing
Wednesday in Holy Week, April 17, 8:30am
Morning Eucharist
Maundy Thursday, April 18, 7:30pm
Washing of the Feet
Commemoration of the Last Supper
Vigil meditation (optional)
Bring cut flowers for the Altar of Repose
Good Friday, April 19
12 Noon
Veneration of the Cross
Administration of Holy Communion from Reserved Sacrament
Priests will be available for private confessions following the service.
Stations of the Cross
Commemoration of the Burial of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Click here for Easter Services, including The Great Vigil of Easter on Saturday, April 20
During Holy Week, private confession with a priest (Reconciliation of a Penitent) is available by appointment. Email Carrie Price in the church office or call 310-395-0977
Tags: Worship / Welcome