Holy Week Online - April 5-11, 2020
Join us online for these holiest days of the Christian year. Together we will go in spirit up to Jerusalem with Jesus to suffer and die with him that we might also rise with him to new life.
Palm Sunday, April 5, 10:30am
Liturgy of the Palms and Reading of the Passion Gospel
Have palms, greenery, or artistic representations to wave
Monday in Holy Week, April 6
Labyrinth Meditation (online video)
Tuesday in Holy Week, April 7
Morning Prayer, 9am
Wednesday in Holy Week, April 8
Morning Prayer, 9am
Bible Study of Easter Gospel, 9:30am
Maundy Thursday, April 9
Morning Prayer, 9am
Commemorating the Last Supper, 7pm
Good Friday, April 10, 12 noon
Reading of the Passion Gospel, Solemn Collects, and Veneration of the Cross
Click here for Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday services
During Holy Week, private confession with a priest (Reconciliation of a Penitent) over Zoom is available by appointment. Email Rev. Nate or Rev. Katie to schedule.
Tags: Worship