Online Spiritual Practice for Advent - #AdventWord
Pray through Advent in images. Pray through your smartphone. Co-create a Global Advent Calendar on social media with Anglicans around the globe! How? Sign up for #AdventWord, which sends out a single Advent-related word for each day of the season. Then join thousands upon thousands in posting an image evoking that word on social media as, together, we create a remarkably diverse and inspiring digital Advent calendar.
#AdventWord is a beautifully creative way to observe Advent, and in recent years has become a spiritual anchor for Rev. Katie and several of our parishioners' personal Advent devotions. Join with them and with our St. A's Facebook and Instagram feeds in posting your #AdventWord images.
Go to to sign up. #AdventWord starts Dec. 2.
For questions or more information contact Dennis Doherty or Deb Giordano. And let Rev. Katie know if you decide to join in on this creative spiritual preparation
Tags: Spirituality / Adult Classes / Welcome