Blog Post: Where is hope?
Where is hope? Hope lies in the heart of our outrage - outrage at abuse, outrage at injustice, outrage at the silencing and denial of the fundamental dignity of fellow human beings. Hope lies in bringing our sacred outrage to prayer - not in search of balm for the soul only, but in search for God's guidance in turning that holy outrage into action - actions that uphold the sufferers, challenge abusers and overturn systemic oppression.
Hope lies in the heart of the pain we feel, the tears we shed, and the angst of our hearts for they erupt from our rootedness in soulful awareness that the world is terribly out of sync with what God created it to be. Hope lies in bringing our sacred agony to prayer for God's guidance on how to bear witness to our suffering.
John's Gospel proclaims that the light of Christ shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. Christ's betrayal, crucifixion and resurrection proclaims God's ability to conquer suffering, transforming death into new life. We are a resurrection faith.
This is the hope to cling to. These are the prayers to lift.
Even in our darkest hour God is present working in us far more than we could ever ask or imagine.
May we all be filled and empowered with the healing and transformative power of God's love that we go forth bearing the light of truth in the face of abusive power.
The Rev. Katie Cadigan, Associate Rector
The Rev. Katie Cadigan (she/her) joined St. A’s in 2014. She brings a passion for nurturing spiritual growth and discipleship that all our lives become conformed to Christ’s - lives filled with God’s love, peace and radical justice - lives dedicated to bringing that love, peace and radical justice to the world.
Prior to the pandemic Katie founded the experimental Divine Office community, one that merged creative co-work space with monastic-style spirituality. She currently serves on the Bishop's Commission for Liturgy and Music, and has served on the Diocesan Program Group for Communications.
Katie came to the priesthood after a 15-year career as an award-winning documentary film producer and director. Her most prominent credits include People Say I’m Crazy (HBO/Cinemax) produced with Academy Award winner Ira Wohl, profiling an artist's agonizing battle with schizophrenia, and When Medicine Got it Wrong (PBS) which told the story of 1970’s-era parents rebelling against being blamed for causing mental illness. Katie also taught documentary film production for undergraduates and graduates at Stanford University.
Katie was ordained in 2014 after earning her Masters in Divinity from Berkeley Divinity School at Yale and serving on Berkeley at Yale's Board of Trustees. She also holds a diploma from Yale Divinity School’s Institute of Sacred Music, Worship and the Arts (ISM). She earned a M.A. in Communication from Stanford University's documentary film program and a B.A. from Brown University.
Katie lives by the beach in Marina del Rey with her spouse of over 30 years.
Tags: Ebb and Flow - Parish Blog