Worship in the church (in-person!) 10:30am Sundays
Eager to worship in church? As of June 27, 2021, the 10:30am Sunday service will be held in the sanctuary, and simultaneously streamed to YouTube! The service will include the Eucharist: bread-only for people in-person, and spiritual communion for those online.
All are welcome, whether vaccinated or not, with the following safety provisions and changes.
- Fully vaccinated people may stop wearing masks and physical distancing, as they feel comfortable
- Unvaccinated people need to wear masks and maintain physical distance
- No reservations required
- Everyone is welcome to sing
- Elbow bumps and waves welcome during the peace
- Limit physical contact with children to elbow bumps or toe taps, since they cannot be vaccinated
- Coffee hour resumes on the patio, with vaccinated servers
May we be mindful of each other's safety, especially the safety of those who are wearing masks. And may we honor the dignity and privacy of each person's vaccination status and choices around safety practices. Some people cannot be vaccinated because of their age or for medical reasons, and some have chosen not to be vaccinated for personal reasons.
In keeping with St. A’s mission of radical welcome, anyone may worship with us, in-person, no matter their vaccination status.
Sunday worship schedule
9am Courtyard (in-person)
10:30am Church (in-person)
10:30am YouTube - live-streaming the in-person church service
Tags: Baptisms / Giving to St. A's / Worship / Welcome / Spirituality / Sermons / What We Believe