In-Person Worship Begins, 9am Sundays
We have added an in-person service at 9am in the parish courtyard! This is in addition to the regular online service on YouTube at 10:30am and online coffee hour on Zoom at 11:30am.
Here is what to expect at the 9am service in the courtyard:
- Enter by the gate closest to church
- Plan to arrive at 8:45am to allow time for seating
- All are welcome - no vaccination is required
- The service is mostly the same as the 10:30am online
- We are not celebrating the Eucharist yet
- We encourage the use of the bulletin on a phone or tablet
- But printed bulletins will be available
- Masks required & fully on at all times - including clergy and readers.
- Be free of Covid-symptoms
- Maintain safe distance on campus
- Pre-set safe-distanced seating - no moving chairs about
- Readily available hand-sanitizer
- Restrooms will be available in the nursery and upstairs, but not in Pierson Hall
- We are adhering to the following requirements and recommendations of LA County and our diocese:
- no nursery
- no Sunday School
- no coffee hour or hanging out after service
Pre-registration (by Saturday morning) for Sunday 9am services is requested
Tags: Worship